I don't really have any excuse except that I have been working and I'm so very tired at night that I haven't been doing much of anything really.
And now - the sad news that my Mother-in-law passed away on Sunday 9th September. For those of you that read this who know me well, you will realise that this is probably a blessed relief for her, as she has been ill for some time. She had Parkinson's disease, and over the last few years (and increasingly over the last months and weeks) had being losing her independence, and her ability to fend for herself with even the most mundane of tasks.
She hadn't for some time, for example, been able to dress or undress herself, or to wash. Recently, although she was able to make a cup of tea or coffee, she was unable to carry it into the lounge area as she needed the aid of a walking frame.
She was buried with her beloved Brian on Monday. A very emotional day for all of us.
Michael is devastated by his loss, as are the kids. I am too, of course, and at this time of year, at which I feel very vulnerable at the best of times, everything is hitting home hard.
I'm not going to dwell on it. Really - I'm not! It will be 20 years next Monday that Mum passed away, and whilst it is somewhat of a milestone, I am so determined that at last I am going to carry on as normal, not least for the sake of the family, who do not need to hear my woes when they are feeling their own loss so much.
I will think of Mum, and no doubt I will speak to my sister about it, but I'm not going to get all maudlin and moody. No sirrreeee.
I'm off now, as I have to get back in the swing of crafting, as there are rather a lot of birthdays and anniversaried approaching, and as I've been so dreadful at birthdays these last few months, I've run down my stock and I really need to get my bum into gear and get on with it!
So if Guy or Finnlay or George happen to pass by my blog, and you haven't yet received your birthday card, it's because I've been blogging on here whilst I should have been making your cards!
And a random photo from last year from when my friends took the kids conkering. James loved it (we still have a few conkers on the hearth as they are supposed to scare away spiders (it's the chestnut oil apparently!) - but they are losing their effectiveness. Might have to take the kids myself this time. Heaven forbid ;-)