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Well, this week has been a busy one. I've had a birthday (I will photo my cards and pop a picture on here soon), I've been on a course to start my NVQ3 in Business and Administration (I must be mad), I've been running around left right and centre with the kids swimming and clubs and stuff, and I haven't started my Christmas cards yet, despite it nearly being October, and the fact that I'm fast running out of time! It was also 21 years on Thursday that I lost my Mum, and strangely I find myself missing her more and more as the years go by, and I see my kids growing up without her by their sides. RIP Mum.
My friend Helen from work has only gone and got herself a secondment for 3 months, so after having finally thought we were settled at work, it's all up in the air again. It's great for Helen, as it's more money for her, but on a purely selfish note I don't want her to go!
I have to get my posterior into some sort of gear today as I have loads to do, in the form of housework and card making (neither of which are floating my boat at the moment). So that begs the question; why on earth am I sitting here updating my blog when I should be running around the house with a duster or something...(I think, dear reader, that you probably already know the answer to that one in your heart fo hearts).
is how we've been feeling for a couple of days as Sophie came home from school with some little tiny multi-legged friends in her hair. Well, that is , I assume she did, as I could see the eggs, but couldn't find the actual little pests themselves. All treated and presumably gone now, but it doesn't stop you itching when you think about them.
The consent form for James to appear on TV came (via Special Delivery 9am - guess who wasn't here?!) so I went to the sorting office to pick it up, and it's duly been completed and returned. We'll just have to wait and see when he will appear now (she said within a couple of months).
I've spent all this morning making cards! Yippeeeeee - finally! I shall take some piccies either later today or tomorrow and let you have a peek. Nothing spectacular (I bought some of those 'No Scissors Required' decoupage sheets, so I've been making fairly quick cards with them, and also some Paper Nation decoupage which I seem to have had forever.
I might get around to making something completely original one of these days, but don't hold your breath!
This evening, I shall be mostly watching 'Strictly Come Dancing' - I love the program, and since the gorgeous Tom Chambers (Sam Strachan from Holby City) is appearing, it will be even more worth while. I didn't realise that my sister knows Tom's dad though, until I was speaking to her about Strictly the other week! Apparently they're quite local to Matlock and they come into the Bank regularly - jammy cow [smiles sweetly].
Anyway - come on Tom!!!!!
Well, it looks like James is going to be famous at last! He's pestered me for days to take some photos of him that he can upload to a CBBC website Funky Fables - he needed seven photos of him with different (pre-defined) expressions on his face. We did this exercise on Sunday, and they were duly uploaded. They are then used for animated clips on the website where a character uses your face and it appears to talk etc. I'll try to post a link to his clip later on when he gets back from his piano teacher's leaving party (I'll tell you about that another day).
Clip is here
Now along with the website, there is also a TV Program, which is 10 minutes long and on the CBBC channel. Photos which are uploaded are randomly selected to be chosen to appear on the actual TV prog (with parents' consent) - and James has been chosen!
I was contacted on my mobile today by a producer from the program who asked me loads of stuff about James and confirmed he will be on the TV program within the next couple of months.
Can you imagine how excited a certain 9 year old boy is?? I'm not sure I can put it onto perspective, but I think the whole school knew about it by 8.50am this morning!
Sophie's been off school poorly for the last two days, with a stinking cold and a bit of sickness, but I'm hoping she will be well enough to go back tomorrow (she is slowly regaining her appetite) as I really need to be at work!
Right - Michael's cooking tea as I type, so you can guess how popular I am for being on here again. Must get around to crafting again soon...or I'm going to found buying birthday cards late at night under cover of Tesco's.
on the South Normanton front - well, that is to say the kids are in bed, recovering from the shock to their systems that is 'school'. Sophie was so excited this morning, she was practically bouncing off the walls before we went to school - I'm sure that we won't be early for school every day, but it did make a change. The only shame was the dreadful weather - it's rained persistently all day. I'm grateful we don't have a river nearby, as some of the local villages have had problems with flooding!
I did take a photo of the kids this morning all togged out in their new uniforms (well they're both 'new as in bought very recently and expensively from the shop - but Sophie's was a new uniform as in she has now moved up to the Junior School which James has attended for the last 2 years. I now have 2 years of them being together, so no more rushing between schools with seconds to spare and fighting for parking spaces. Phew.
With Michael at Band, I really should be doing something constructive - like making one of the 27 'occasion' cards I need to make for birthdays and anniversaries before Christmas, and that's not to mention the cards for that occasion in December which begins with C and ends in chaos and overdrafts.
I think I also need to make a card for a commission, only the person that asked me for the card hasn't mentioned it since. She is in work tomorrow, so I will find out some more info (seeing as the birthday, from the brief conversation we had) is very fast approaching.
I will upload the photos in a minute, so as long as there's a decent one among them, I will add one to this post shortly (and no - I'm sorry - I didn't meant to call you 'shortly'!)