I really thought I was getting back into the swing of this blogging malarkey, and then it all goes to pot again.
I've had a busy week, with the kids having after school stuff and two governors meetings...one of which lasted until 8.45, by which time I was shattered, but still had to fill the car up with petrol and get a takeaway for tea. I barely stayed awake long enough to eat it (although it was yummy KFC). To cut a long story short, other stuff just got in the way this week.
I did finish the card for my (stand-in) line manager's daughter's birthday - here it is:
I did get a wonderful bargain though - our local 'Au Naturale' shop was having a '20% off' day, and Michael and I had been chatting about how rubbish our cushions on the sofas are (we have 2 x 2 seater sofas and no single chairs)...so it was decided that I would look for some nice, good quality, well filled, plump cushions to replace them. So in to Au Naturale I nipped, and spotted some lovely large faux suede cushions, in a mushroomy/biscuity kind of colour - perfect! £12 each they were, but with 20% off, I could get two for under £20 (we can make do with 2 I thought - don't have to have 4 all at once). When I got to the till, the young girl behind the counter said "These are a real bargain today - they're coming up on the till at £5 each" - which meant I was going to get 2 for £8.
When I got them home, Michael asked why I didn't get 4? Because I only have two hands and I was carrying 3 bags of shopping before I bought the cushions, and the cushions were so big they needed a bag each...so that's why (the polite version anyway).
Needless to say I went back the next day and bought two more (after checking that the price was the same of course). We're now using the old cushions in lieu of a door draught excluder (anything to save money on heating bills) - but I'm going to look around for a proper draught excluder in the near future, I promise.