James is at a choir concert tonight (although thankfully a short one) as the choir are singing for the opening of the Christmas Craft Fayre this evening at school. I won't mention (much) about the magnet that James swallowed last weekend. It's enough to say that I'm fairly sure it's out of his system now. Honestly - you'd think he was nearly 10 monthsold , not nearly 10 years old!
We spent the whole weekend tidying the kids' bedrooms - and there is still more stuff to sort. We have bags and bags of rubbish/recycling/clothes/toys to give away (some has already gone to friends and family) and I can only imagine what the bedrooms will be like after Christmas again. Saying that - James' birthday is next week so it's going to get worse sooner rather than later. I can't tell you what he's having, as he reads my blog from time to time. Bless.
I'm just at work now catching up on here, but needs must and I'd better get back to doing the stuff I'm paid to do. Will pop back later.