I've finally made the candles with matching cards for Emma at work. I think they're for her to give to her daughter's teachers when she finishes private day nursery at the end of August. I just need to start working on the bits she's ordered for Christmas now!
I've also managed to take some photos to put on the tutorial sheet for the altered candles I'm doing at the craft weekend. that way. if I bore people to tears and they fall asleep, they will be able to follow the instructions instead [smiles].
I've also made a few cards to keep up to date with family birthdays. Should be all right for a couple of weeks now.
Back to work tomorrow - at least I won't be able to hear the kids arguing from there. They've been dreadful this last week - hitting and shouting at each other, then best of friends the next. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
Anyway - here are the photos:
Super cards again, claire and I really love the matching candles/cards. I'm gonna have to have some of those. :grinning smiley:
Wow, these are fantastic, can't wait to make mine at the weekend
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