Not much to tell, not that I can put up here for personal reasons anyway, so I'll just show you a few pictures.
The first couple are of the snowmen in the back garden from a couple of weeks ago. Complete with skipping ropes for scarves, frisbees for hats, plastic golf clubs for arms and stones for eyes (and those are stone ears on the first one too - thanks to Sophie for that! LOL) - and the thin black pole you can see is the bird feeder stuck in the middle of the garden. I could probably Photoshop it out, if only I could be bothered!
The card is the one I've had dilemmas over - it's for my boss, Emma, as she's leaving at the end of this week. I'm hoping she doesn't read my blog, or at least not overnight, as she will get the card tomorrow at her 'fuddle'. I didn't have a clue what to do, and I did it late at night, so I can honestly say, my colouring skills aren't up to my usual standard. Coloured with Watercolour Pencils too, as I didn't want to spend time experimenting with the colours of my ProMarkers untilo I found the right combination.
May have a wedding card to show you tomorrow, assuming I actually finish it today! But for now, here's your lot!
card looks fine to me and am jealous of the snowmen
Those snowmen melted after 1 week! No fair!
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