So much is happening in my life at the moment that it's kind of difficult to put most of it into words. Some of it isn't my stuff to tell, but I will give you an idea.
Firstly, I am about to apply for a job. I don't really hold out much hope of getting it...but I've nothing to lose, and everything to gain so I'm going to go for it. It's within the Council where I already work, but it would be full time (which carries its own magnificent set of complications), but double the part-time salary I'm on at the moment. You have to be in it to win it so they say wish me luck!
Secondly, Michael has to have an operation. It's not a terribly serious one - one of the most commonly performed operations in the country apparently. But for anybody who knows Michael, he doesn't 'do' sick. He gets restless at the weekends if we don't have things planned for him to do. He likes being busy. It's better for us all when he's busy, I assure you. So how he's going to cope when he has to take 6 weeks off work, I don't know.
And not just 6 weeks off work...but 6 weeks off band too! Beloved band. How will he cope without band? Tune in later to find out! In truth, I have no idea. But we don't yet have a date for his operation anyway, so it's difficult to predict how he will cope, without actually knowing what he's going to miss out on. If it's a contest, then heaven help us.
That's another thing - Newstead Brass came second at the Regional Brass Band championships in Bedworth a couple of weekends ago. This means that they have qualified again to go and play at the National Finals at the Royal Albert Hall in London (17th October). That in turn, means money money money...and lots of decisions to be made on whether we all go, or just Michael...but I daresay funds (or lack thereof) will probably dictate the outcome.
I have been audited at work (a very stressful experience) but all was good in the end. Before I started work last year, an audit was carried out, and our department was deemed to be 'unsatisfactory'. So, the lucky, lucky people that we are, got to have a 'follow up' audit a year later. That was earlier this month. It was supposed to be conducted over two days, but we were (I was) so good that she completed it in just one day! Yey for me! All the changes to procedures and systems I have put in place over the last year have paid off! The auditor even admitted that one particular system which she had huge reservations about, works extremely well and efficiently! Ha! One in the eye for her! LOL!
I do have other issues going on at the moment too, none of which are available for public consumption, but they're occupying my mind somewhat, and making it difficult to sort out my head. I know I've been neglecting things - friends and forums especially, and that makes me sad. I will, once my head is in a better place, endeavour to return to my favourite places.
If you can still be bothered to read my blog, thank you. And if you've given up on me, ... well, you won't be reading this, will you.
Thank you, and good night.
Awww, Claire - sorry to hear things are a bit unsettled with you just now. I know how you feel - I'm pretty much the same when it comes to neglecting things like the forum and my blog etc.
Congrats though on the successful audit! Well done, you! Good luck with the job application!
Sorry to hear that your DH has to have an op and all that it entails.
I hope he's not too difficult a patient.
Take care, hun
Good luck for the new job Claire and we will all still be there when you are ready to talk.
From one blog neglector to another, I hope you get your head sorted soon, I know that feeling, good luck with the job
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