Not much to report, only that things are manic as per usual. I'm getting used to manic, to be honest. I'm learning to function with manic as the default setting. Good job really.
I have an interview on 18th May for the job I applied for at work - if I were to get it, it would be something of a coup...but I suppose if I'm honest I am probably the least favoured of the 4 candidates up for the position. Still, I am proud to have even been shortlisted. Good times.
Michael had his op, at very short notice, on 6th April (with his birthday on the 7th, he had a lovely birthday pressie!).
My head is still very miuch mixed up about things, and as a result I have lost approximately 2 stones in weight. I did need to lose it, I know, but not in such a dramatic way, and over such a short space of time (about 6 weeks).
I still have more to lose, but I promise I will lose the next few pounds properly!
Can't stop now, as I have other things to do (YES - even at this time of night!).
Thanks to those who've been thinking of me, and if you haven't, then why haven't you?
Brilliant news on the interview!
Glad to see you back in the land of the Blogger! That reminds me... Must write something too...
Good luck with the interview!
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