Sunday, 20 January 2008


was enchanting. A seriously harmless fluffy film, where the good guy gets the girl and everyone lives happily ever after. Bless.

The day was slightly marred by Sophie though, who upon reaching the age of seven, now thinks she is invincible, and unpunishable. On the way to the cinema in the car, she and James (and her friend Morgan) were playing on their DS Lites, on the 'pictochat' function (like a live messenger thing, but wirelessly connected rather than internet based).

We had been watching 'Are you smarter than a 10 year old' this morning, and one of the questions was about Mary I (Bloody Mary) so they were pushing the limits by repeating this and then 'dobbing each other in' for swearing. Sophie took it a step further. She decided to write F****** H*** (albeit spelled wrongly) on her DS. Well, that put a bit of a dampener on things I can tell you.

I do think though, that she is truly sorry, and she has solemnly promsed never to say, write or even think those words ever again. School has a lot for answer for these days.

Hope to be back in the craft room tomorrow. That, and use my new smaller slow cooker (changed the 6.5 litre one for a 3.5 litre model). Might attempt a bolognese in it, after I've nipped to Tesco in the morning to stock up on a few essentials.

Why does the December-January paypacket never seem to stretch far enough? Might have something to do with Christmas and all the December and January birthdays in our family I suppose. :D

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