Wednesday, 16 January 2008

Slacking off again

I have been, haven't I?

(note to self: Must try harder)

Well I've Made Sophie's birthday cards from us and from James. Have to confess I've cheated by buying some Disney Princess stickers from ebay though. Just one more reason why I ought to have a Cricut with the disney cartridges. LOL.

I daren't post them up in case Sophie comes a nosing by by clicking on my links in the favourites bar. But I will of course, post them as soon as her birthday has been and gone on Saturday. I can't quite believe that she will be seven - where on earth does the time go?

I have made some more cards with my Sugar Nellies, which I will add to this post later on (they're still in my camera at the moment). I can't believe that for the first time in absolutely months I'm not behind with making the cards I need to send. I was truly terrible last year, and forgot more people than I remembered I'm sure. I'm also not doing as well with the blogging as I hoped I would, but I am trying to put that right now.

I have been helping a friend who dabbles in crafting to make a birthday card for her Fiance's Grandad who is soon to be 80.. A lilttle awkward as she wanted to go with a screws and fasteners theme (he set up an 'industrial fastener' company years ago). Still I think we managed to come up with an idea - thank heavens for Quickutz and Making Memories brads which look like screw heads.

Anyway - she took it home to finish it off, so if and when I manage to get a picture from her I'll let you have a look.

Got to takes James for his swimming lesson tonight, so will post those cards a bit later on.

1 comment:

Lorraine said...

I love those stamps, Claire and I WANT THEM!!!!!!