Wednesday, 30 July 2008


I was bemused when I heard the doorbell ring at 9am this morning. I wasn't expecting anybody, and I couldn't see a post van imagine my surprise when I opened the door and saw my hairdresser standing there! She wasn't due until tomorrow...or so my pea-brain had convinced me.

How embarrassing, but at least we were all up, dressed (at least 2/3 of us were) and hadn't gone out for the day! It frees up tomorrow morning though.

Alas I still haven't had time to craft, but at least the ironing pile endeth! Should be able to get some major stuff done tomorrow now (although we have to fit in a trip to Tesco petrol station to make use of my 5p a litre voucher, and to the kids' holiday club to pay the next shed load of money, and also to the local fancy dress shop - the only outlet that sells the Junior school's branded items of uniform [I kid ye not - not even the school itself sells it]).

Really need to get some candles made for examples at the craft weekend (wont be showing you those until after the weekend, for obvious reasons).

1 comment:

WeirdCat said...

At least you were dressed, I always seem to greet the gorgeous Citylink man who comes here in my nightie!!