Wednesday, 28 February 2007

Learner no more!

Yey! Good news! My close friend Ann passed her driving test today. I won't say how many times she took it (partly becuase I lost count, and partly because it would be very rude of me), but it's fabulous news and I'm soooo chuffed for her!

I'm meeting my big sister tomorrow and I think we've decided we're going to Ikea. KInowing my sister she will be a terrible influence one me and I shall spend lots of money that I shouldn't (mainly due to the fact that i've not earned it yet). We might even squeeze in a trip to Home Bargains and Au Naturale. Seeing as they are next to Matalan and the big Poundstretcher (although I know it's not called Poundstretcher any more, but I can't remember for the life of me what its new name is). They, in turn, are just around the corner from Lidl and Aldi, so I'm guessing my poorly big toe won't be getting much rest tomorrow.

My sister used to work on a Thursday and a Friday morning at her local 'playgroup/preschool', but since the government moved the goalposts on what you have to do to work there (re hours worked and qualifications being done). Anyway, we were looking forward to spending some days together for the first time in many many years (without any kids in tow) and then I go and do the inconvenient thing of getting myself this job. How flipping annoying eh?

Still not done the ironing (oops) but it's only me that's going to suffer, as I made sure all the kids' school stuff and Michael's work stuff was done. So just muggins here that wil look like a tramp tomorrow. Nothing new there then.

Really will have to get some pictures on this laptop so I can bore you all rigid with those too. Maybe tomorrow? Don't hold your breath ;o)

1 comment:

Eleanor said...

Nope, didn't hold my breath (good job too). Talking of jobs - how's it going? Thinking of you.