My first picture on my blog (hopefully). It's a wedding card I made yesterday for the son of a friend in DH's Brass Band. It's got to make it there (London) by tomorrow so let's hope that the good old Royal Mail can do their jobs properly.
Instead of snow, we now have ice, as I predicted. Not just a smidgeon (sp) you understand, but probably only a slightly lesser amount than was needed to sink that boat - you know, the one Kate Winslett and Leo de Capwhatsit were on. And it's lethal. There is one road I traverse daily on my school jaunt which my car, or more precisely my car's brakes do not like. They lock. Almost always without fail when said road is slippery with water or ice.
This morning was no exception, except as I felt the ABS system kicking in and the familiar feeling of 'will I stop' glancing across my mind, I noticed a convoy of cars travelling along the road with which I was attempting to join. Uh - oh. At least acceleration wasn't a problem.
So next time someone pulls out in front of you with apparently no consideration, remember that they too may have a dodgy brake system which doesn't allow them to stop on that one particular road.
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