Friday, 16 February 2007


Well, I must be, as I've offered to have my friend's daughter today. It's raining, the kids are already arguing, Sophie is playing up good and proper, and I've booked Sophie an appointment at the opticians this afternoon.

It would have been bad enough just taking Sophie with James in tow, but to have to drag the third child with me too? I must be completely bonkers. Time will tell this afternoon.

I didn't sleep much last night - too busy whittling about this job that I may or may not stand a chance of getting. It doesn't seem to matter how many times I tell myself that I can't do anything about it now, and Que Sera Sera etc etc, but my mind was working overtime none the less.

I thought I might try to get some crafing done today, but the way these girls are arguing every 30 seconds, I think my job today will be as chief mediator and fight-breaker-upper. Deep joy.

Hairdresser's coming this evening, so at least James' hair will look respectable when he goes back to school next week. I only wish I could say the same for Sophie. Her hair looks fine when she leaves the house, but even by the time she gets to school, she looks like a proper ragamuffin. It was OK until the hairdresser said I should stop putting in it pigtails every day, as it was breaking her hair in the same place each time and not doing it any favours. Plan B was just wearing an alice band, but Sophie's hair just goes static as it is so fine (bobble hats do nothing to help the situation either).

Hey ho - off to mediate I go....

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