Friday, 23 February 2007

Nothing doing

I rang to confirm that I would accept the job this morning, only to find the owner (my new boss) wasn't there. He did ring me back, and basically there's nothing I need to do except take my P45 in with me on the day I start. Only one more school week left, which means only 5 days of rest and relaxation. It also means 5 more days without being paid, so that's what I'll concentrate on.

Michael will probably go and see his mum in hospital tomorrow, although his Brass Band have called a rehearsal at 3.45 - I mean, what sort of a flipping time is that for a rehearsal?? Grrr. Mind you, you never know with that lot - they've booked a concert/job in Southport in October, for a Rotary Club International Event. Great venue for a band in Nottinghamshire to travel to. I might need an angel of mercy to break up the journey. Any takers??

Did I mention that after Sophie's visit to the opticians, she doesn't need glasses after all (she was very disappointed). Less hassle for me though, sorry to be so selfish.

Oh, and on a final note, James has had a horrid experience at school today. After telling me that the kids keep asking him if he likes ginger (due to the colour of his hair I presume), he went on to tell me that he had his worst lunch time ever. He was carried into the sports equipment shed and shut in by some year 4 kids (he's year 3). Luckily some of his classmates saw it happen and got him out fairly quickly. He went to a dinner lady and she took him to a teacher (the head was out) and she told the boys off and kept them inside.

I, however, am livid. I know the store room that James was shut in, and I thought it was locked with a padlock. Obviously not, at least not today anyway. I tried to ring the school at 4.10pm, but there was no answer. They will get a visit from me on Monday, and they will not be left in any doubt that I wnt the matter sorting so it can never happen again. It's just the kind of incident that could scar a child for life. I'm surprised he hasn't had a night terror tonight. Fingers crossed he takes it all in his stride. Poor lamb.

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