Thursday, 8 February 2007

Snow and Slush

Or rather, snow, then slush. We started off with no snow at all when DH got up this morning. Then it started - at about 6.45 - and it came and it came. The schools were both open, so off went the kids, but I had to collect Sophie at about 1.30 as the school had taken the decision to close.

Strange really, as we now have a lot less snow than we did have (it stopped snowing before lunch - about 12ish), but the forecast is for more before the day is done, and as some of the teachers at the school travel across hill and dale to get there, I suppose it's right and proper that they are able to make it home safely.

And then there's the ice. I mean, it's not here yet, but it will come - and then we'll have a skating rink outside again, and I'll not be able to get the car out at all tomorrow (and some might say I shouldn't have done today, but there were important parcels to be posted ;)). With any luck the schools will close if it's no better tomorrow. Just as well I don't have that job anymore - it would have seriously got in the way today!

1 comment:

Tina said...

Yay, good to see you back! Keep on blogging.